Choosing a baby name for your baby can seem like a chore for most, but it gets tougher when you want to connect cultures and even languages. In 2016, 22% of children in the United States, just over 12 million children total, used a language other than English at home. That rate has increased by 2% over the past decade, by 1.2 million children. At the state level, the percentage of children who do not speak English at home varies widely, from 44% in California to 2% in West Virginia. This makes Spanish girl names very attractive to parents in the US today.

The majority of bilingual households in the US are Hispanic-English environments, which makes Spanish baby names an obvious place to explore for girls. We decided to take a look at the attractive Hispanic girl names that honor heritage and that are already popular with English speakers. We have discovered a variety of baby names that should appeal to a number of parents who are going from a little girl “Mijita” to “Baby” in the same session. Check out these perfect Spanish baby names for bilingual households!
1. Lolo
Lolo is an adorable nickname that came from Caroline. Lori Susan "Lolo" Jones is an American track and field champion who helped put the spotlight on the possibility of this tiny shape.
2. Damica
Damica is a French girl's name and means “open-minded, friendly”. This rare find is practically unheard of in the United States today, and it is not often found in France either. We think more parents should consider this remarkable option.
3. Francine
With the advent of Pope Francis, all forms of this ancient and sacred name came up for a new look. Mid-century Francine appears to have sprung from a Mad Men character. The name was last popular in the US in the 1980s, but we see the potential for this contiguous name to return to Frances. As with Frances, Francine means "free man".
4. Darby
Darby is a gender neutral Irish name meaning 'free from envy'. The name was popular with both boys and girls in the United States in the 1970s, but has evolved into girls in recent years. Actor Paul Rudd has a baby daughter named Darby.
5. Isra
Pronounced IZ-rah, Isra is one of the most attractive Thai baby names for girls because of its beautiful sound and its meaning "freedom". The name has caught on in the UK and the Netherlands in recent years, which means it could spread to America very soon. It's just so great!
6. Corliss
Corliss is a name that is used for both boys and girls. Corliss has an English origin which means "carefree person". The name comes from a medieval nickname. Corliss was once popular in the US and made it onto the US top 1000 list in the 1940s and 1950s.
7. Moksha
Could other concepts from Eastern religions catch on as names, as Bodhi turns out to be one of the fastest growing names? Moksha can refer to different types of freedom and liberation, for example from ignorance and from the cycle of death and rebirth. The Sanskrit term means “liberation”.
8. Lysandra
This name is the feminization of the mythological name Lysander, best known to English speakers as a character in Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. Lysandra has Greek roots and means "liberator". This could be a welcome alternative to Cassandra or Alexandra.
9. Carly
Carly was popularized by singer Carly Simon in the 1970s and got the name in the US
Top 200. The name has lost popularity in recent years, but it's still pretty strong. Carly is a feminine form of Carl, a German form of Charles.
10. Frankie
The renewed favor brought Frankie back into the top 1000 in the USA in 2015 after a 41-year hiatus! We're so glad this down to earth gem is back. Frankie shows that there are a variety of names that come from Frances. In contrast to the elegant Francesca, Frankie offers a little more pizazz.
There you go! We hope you enjoyed these freeing baby names for boys that mean “free.” There are a variety of reasons to choose a name for its meaning, and whatever your motivations, we think each one of these options will serve you well. Happy baby name hunting!
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