The teenage years are a time to make sure your child is ready for life after high school. You will likely find that your teen can be pretty independent in many ways. But it's also a time when you begin to notice areas that need improvement.
If you notice that your teen is struggling in certain areas, teach them new life skills. And give her plenty of opportunities to exercise responsibility and independence. By focusing on healthy habits now, you can empower your teen to take care of themselves in the future.
If you are a teenager reading this then you are in luck.
Let me give you some advice.
Don't have unprotected sex. You can get pregnant easily, I know, because I've been pregnant before. Always use a condom! Because if you may not be causing disease, please stay healthy.Work hard. Always keep track of your homework because it is important. You will need all of your credits to complete the degree.
Read. Always read. It doesn't matter what you read, it can be newspapers, books, magazines, or anything you read.
Don't send nudes to anyone. Trust me your pictures can end up online without your permission, so please do not send nudes to anyone.
Respect your parents. Your parents are the only ones who know you better than you do and they will do anything to make you successful. They love you very much so please respect them no matter what.
Always be yourself. You don't have to change for anyone.
Some people are not your friends. The people you call your friends are probably not your real friends, they are probably just using you.
Don't go looking for love. It will come to you.
Keep your grades up. It is really important.
- Do tasks efficiently and correctly at home, at school and at work.
- To maintain their own personal hygiene and possessions.
- Show compassion for other people.
- To be socially responsible in their daily life and online.
- Control their emotions and interact with people appropriately.
- Understand that sexual activity can lead to consequences.
- Dealing with peer pressure situations such as alcohol, smoking and drug use.
- Adult privileges such as driving a car or having a bank account.
- Hold a job and work well with others on a team.
- The ability to make and spend money wisely.
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