Top 15 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety And How To Help.



Top 15 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety And How To Help.

Whether you have two legs or four legs, fear can be a miserable experience. Unfortunately, our furry children are not immune to anxiety. Many dogs suffer from anxiety, be it only during thunderstorms or a slight permanent fear. How can you tell if your dog is scared? What can you do to help your dog if he's scared? Here are signs your dog is scared and how you can help.

Signs of anxiety in dogs

  • Aggression
  • Tucked tail
  • Peeing or pooping in the home
  • Drooling
  • Yawning
  • Panting
  • Licking their nose
  • Depression
  • Destructive behavior
  • Hiding
  • Excessive barking
  • Shaking
  • Pacing
  • Expressing anal glands
  • Repetitive behaviors
Causes of anxiety
There are a lot of different triggers for anxiety in dogs. Some of the most common are:
  • Fear
  • Age
  • Separation

Top 15 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety And How To Help.

Treating dog anxiety

To treat anxiety in your dog you need to understand what is causing it. A dog suffering from separation anxiety needs different treatment than a dog suffering from age-related cognitive decline and anxiety. You can benefit from speaking with a dog trainer or your veterinarian to discuss how best to manage your dog's anxiety.

Usually, treatment for anxiety involves behavior training and sometimes medication. Some other things that can help with anxiety include:

Follow a regular routine. Dogs live from routine. Knowing what to expect each day can help reduce a dog's anxiety. This can mean setting your alarm clock to the same time on the weekend that you get up during the week so your dog knows exactly when to expect food and discharge.

  • Try a thunder shirt. Ideal for dogs with situational anxiety, compression wraps like the Thunders Hirt can make your dog feel like they're being hugged, which can help reduce their anxiety.
  • Play calming music. Just as a little Mozart or Beethoven can help you relax, it can have the same effect on your pooch. There are even some YouTube channels that offer soothing music and videos especially for dogs.
  • Leave your scent behind when you leave. Dogs are soothed by their smell. So leaving behind a shirt or other item of clothing that you recently wore can help your dog relax when you are not around. If you're worried about your dog chewing up your favorite shirt, try the Comfort Cuddler.
Preventing anxiety
It is easier to prevent anxiety in your dog than to treat it after it has developed. Here are some ways you can help your dog develop anxiety:

  • Read your dog's body language: If you can learn to recognize the signs that your dog is feeling uncomfortable, you can remove your dog from the situation or use positive reinforcement to give your dog more comfort and a positive association.
  • Socialization: The more situations, people, and other dogs you can introduce your dog to when you first bring him home, the less likely your dog will become afraid of these things. Socialization is especially important for puppies. A lack of socialization as a puppy can lead to lifelong anxiety.
  • Obedience training: Obedience classes are not only a great opportunity for your dog to socialize, but training also helps develop a strong bond between the two of you. Your dog will learn to seek advice in situations where he is unsure of himself.
  • Diet and exercise: A physically healthy dog ​​is also more likely to be mentally healthy. Dogs that lack exercise can get bored, and that boredom can turn into fear. Likewise, poor nutrition can make your dog feel uncomfortable, which can lead to anxiety.
  • Avoiding situations that cause fear: For example, if other dogs make your dog anxious, try taking him for a walk when there are fewer dogs around and avoid areas that tend to have more dogs, such as the streets. If your dog is scared of being alone, consider hiring a pet sitter or taking your dog to a dog daycare while at work.


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