Showing posts with label Health and fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health and fitness. Show all posts

5 Postpartum Hair Loss Treatments & Remedies


 Postpartum Hair Loss Relief Tips

5 Postpartum Hair Loss Treatments & Remedies

You know the fast growing thick hair growth you had during your pregnancy? Enjoy it while you can as postpartum hair loss may occur in the months after giving birth. It is sad but true!

I remember after having my first baby when she was around 4 months old. My hair broke off around my forehead and I lost so much hair when I took a shower or just brushed my hair. I felt like I was going bald!

When does postpartum hair loss start?

It can be great for any woman. I began to experience hair loss about 4 months after my baby was born. Most women tend to experience postpartum hair loss between 2 and 4 months after having their child.

The extent of hair loss is different for every woman. For some women it is a lot of hair and for others not a lot. If you have long hair or had a lot of hair growth during your pregnancy, your hair loss can be more extreme.

But don't worry, not all hope is a loss! There are many ways to help with postpartum hair loss. That's exactly what I'll cover in this post!

How long does hair loss last after giving birth?

Now that we have dealt with how postpartum hair loss begins, the next obvious question is. "When does postpartum hair loss stop"?

Here is some good news for you. Postpartum hair loss is only temporary! Woohoo, I don't know about you, but this is music to my ears. Your normal hair growth pattern will usually return 6 months after giving birth. However, some women experience hair loss for up to a year after giving birth.

I will say this if you experience excessive hair loss even after a year. I would recommend calling your doctor.

How can you stop postpartum hair loss?

Can we have an honest moment together really quickly? I'm sorry to say, but there is nothing you can do to prevent hair loss after giving birth. I know! Do not be angry. Postpartum birth is normal and occurs due to hormonal changes your body goes through after having a baby.

So blame those beautiful woman hormones. Now, you can't completely stop hair loss after giving birth BUT you can take steps to minimize the effects of hair loss and promote healthy hair growth!

5 Postpartum Hair Loss Treatments & Remedies

1. Eat a healthy diet

It's a no-brainer that eating a healthy diet is very important to our overall health and wellbeing. For postpartum mothers in particular, eating a healthy diet can help your overall recovery and prevent postpartum hair loss from progressing.

Make sure you are eating a balanced diet of vitamins and nutrients. This is mainly found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Don't forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.

If you are having trouble keeping track of your water intake. Check out my free water intake tracker!

2. Reduce your stress levels

You can get a little giggle at this one. Don't worry i did it! Having a new baby brings all kinds of stresses with it. However, it will go a long way in finding ways to reduce your stress levels.

Studies show that stress can cause your hair to fall out. Here are some things you can do today to reduce your stress levels.

Try to get as much sleep as you can: when people tell you to sleep when your baby is asleep. Do it! There are many other times in a day and week that you can prepare these dishes and fold the laundry.

Practicing Self-Care: Creating a good and simple self-care routine will help you tremendously. After you've put your baby to bed and before you go to bed, take 15 minutes to jump in a bubble bath or meditate. Self-care is very important and it is easier to get used to when your child is young. If you need ideas on how to self-care, check out this post.

Take a break: being a mom is tough. You might be running around trying to clean the house, feed your baby, change a million diapers a day, prepare dinner, and the list goes on and on. Take a few minutes to relax. Kick your feet and watch one of your favorite Netflix episodes or read for 20 minutes. No matter what it is, give yourself a break.

3. DIY hair masks

Don't be surprised by the "hair growth" products out there. Now there may be some great natural products out there that you can use, but often hair restorers are full of chemicals. Which can lead to hormonal imbalance, skin diseases and many other things that do more harm than good to you.

Learn more about which products are good and which are bad. Find out more about natural beauty products here.

Here are some natural hair loss treatments you can do:

Avocado Hair Mask: If avocados are super healthy to eat, they have to be good for your hair too .right ?! They're packed full of vitamins, fatty acids, and proteins, all of which are good for your hair and scalp! You can find lots of avocado hair mask ideas on Pinterest.

Castor Oil: This is another oil that is high in fatty acids and is great for treating hair loss.

Egg Hair Mask: The first time I tried an egg hair mask, I'll say I was completely spoiled! but it did wonders for my hair! Egg hair masks can help with hair growth and repair damaged hair.

4. Baby Beard Club - Miracle Bro Hair Growth Serum

This is one of my favorite natural hair regrowth serums. It's from Baby Beard Club and I've been using it since I had my second baby and although I've still lost some hair. I haven't lost nearly as much as I did after my daughter. And the best part is, I didn't get my hair broken on my forehead!

The Miracle Bro oils smell amazing and are very therapeutic. You can use the oil on your scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. It's also a great hair regrowth serum for men. If you and your husband are both in need of great hair restorer, Miracle Bro is a win-win for both of you.

The only downside is that if you already have oily hair like me, Miracle Bro will make your hair a lot oily. I will apply the serum just before bed and then wash my hair in the morning and my hair will be perfect for the rest of the day. When you use your eyelashes, it is liquid. It is therefore essential to use an eyebrow brush and only apply the serum to the tips of the eyelashes.

5. Avoid using products for hard hair

You may want to find new ways to style your hair for a while if you experience hair loss after giving birth. Because harsh products can make your hair loss more extreme.

Here is a list of things to avoid:

Heated Tools: This is a tough question for me and I would say it is a heavy sacrifice for most women. But hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can do even more damage to your struggling postpartum hair. Not to mention, it can damage the new hair that is trying to grow back!

Limit how often you wash your hair: I usually try to go every other day when washing my hair. This way my hair gets a break from being always shampooed. I would also recommend using an all-natural shampoo during this time.

Don't do tight hairstyles: when I start losing hair, I wear my hair LOT! This way, it can hide my breaking and falling hair. Instead of using regular hair ties, I'm going to switch to hair ties that I know are right in the 80s! I also learned to love my natural hair. The less I play around with my hair, the better!

Use a large wide tooth comb: Using a wide tooth comb will prevent your hair from breaking as badly when you comb it.

5 Postpartum Hair Loss Treatments & Remedies

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Why Is Coffee Called a Cup of Joe?


 Coffee has many nicknames - you may know it for what gets you out of bed in the morning - and they're all pretty straightforward, especially if you go black with your coffee. Whether you make it home, visit your local coffee shop, or head to the nearest chain to get a stamp on your loyalty card, coffee is a convenient and delicious way to feel more awake and start your day - and this is it are the only tricks you need to make the perfect pot. But all the brain juice in the world cannot solve this riddle: Why is coffee called a cup of Joe?

Why Is Coffee Called a Cup of Joe?

Coffee wasn’t always a cup of Joe

Like happiness, coffee comes to us from many places and in many forms. Latte, cold brew or drops: they all started on the old Ethiopian plateau when a goatherd noticed that his goats were eating a berry that made them so energetic that they couldn't sleep at night (if you've ever had coffee afterwards) Clock you can refer). The local monks found that the berries enabled them to remain vigilant for long hours of prayer, and coffee eventually spread to the Arabian Peninsula and Europe, and through colonization to Asia, the Caribbean and America, where it came from cultivated by enslaved peoples. Today, thanks to fair trade practices, coffee is available from around eighty countries. The history of coffee is long and fascinating, but it goes through hundreds of years with no joe in sight. Where does this nickname come from?

Why is coffee called a cup of Joe?

The iconic nickname, a "cup of joe," has several origins. One legend concerns Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy during the First World War. In 1914 he banned alcohol consumption on all ships of the US Navy. Since coffee was the next strongest substitute, sailors sarcastically viewed it as "a cup of Josephus," but since this was a bit mouth-watering, the nickname "snarky" was shortened to "a cup of joe".

Why Is Coffee Called a Cup of Joe?

So that’s why coffee is called a cup of Joe?

Well not exactly. The story of Josephus Daniels is likely not true. The term "Cup of Joe" did not appear in writing for the first time until 1930 - long after the navy banned alcohol. In all honesty, the question "Why is coffee called a cup of Joe?" has no straight answer. A much more likely theory is based on linguistics. According to this theory, "Joe" is the simplified form of the word "Jamoke", which began as a nickname for coffee in the 19th century, a portmanteau of the "Java" and "Mocha" coffee beans. Therefore, "Cup of Jam" may have been shortened to "Cup of Joe".

A third theory is based on the slang meaning of the word "Joe", as in "He's just your average Joe". This joe refers to the common man on the street, a guy, a man, your neighbor who mows his lawn every Saturday at 8 a.m. (we wish he hadn't had coffee). A cup of joe is therefore a way of saying "the common man's drink". Maybe that's why all coffee lovers have these things in common. The question “Why is coffee called a cup of Joe?” May not have a definitive answer, but at least we now know who to thank for our daily cup: this Ethiopian goatherd. Even if his name was Kaldi, not Joe.

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We all want to have our healthy weight and luckily we can! I believe that with just a few tricks and habits you are on the right track to know how to maintain and maintain that healthy body. So check out these habits of people who never put on too much weight and let us know what you think!

1. You don't have to starve yourself

This may seem funny, but it's the truth. And some people will tell you to do this often, but that is not what your body needs. Many people find that starvation only makes them want to eat more and indulge in binging.

All you have to do is aim for your healthy weight for your body type, that's it! You don't have to reach for impossible standards that negatively affect your mental health.

2. Drink enough water

Water is good for your body, and thankfully, drinking enough water can help you maintain a good weight.

3. Regular exercises

Maintaining weight is not a coincidence or a coincidence. It's an exercise, and to be sharp and healthy, you need frequent exercise, especially in the areas where you're likely to gain weight (e.g. stomach, buttocks, etc.)

4.  Avoid sugar

The more sugar you eat, the harder it will be for you to lose weight. So it's always a good idea to look at the ingredients in your meal and see how much sugar there is in it. If it's high in sugar (or doesn't need sugar like bread), then you can look for sugar-free or low-sugar options.

5. Avoid self-hatred

Why beat you up This will not help you achieve your goals at all. It is a good idea to love yourself now and work on seeing yourself attractive. Because once you get to the weight you want, you will better understand that your worth does not result from it.

6. Sleep

Always make sure you have a good night's sleep. This will not only help you mentally but also physically. There are certain functions our bodies perform during sleep that help us lose weight. So if you get a decent amount of sleep every night, you will stay at a healthy weight.

7. Alcohol

Lots of people don't like to think about it, but drinking alcohol is a great way to absorb empty calories and gain weight. So try to find healthier options that will help you stay sharp.

8. Don't go overboard on fraudulent days

It can be easy to think that on fraudulent days we can just eat what we want. And we can! But ... how much of it do you eat? The best course of action for fraudulent days is to make sure you are not making yourself sick and consuming thousands of calories.

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 I think we all agree that having a good night's sleep is important, right?

A sleepless night often leaves you feeling zombified, moody, and unproductive the next day. More importantly, it's not healthy in the long run.

For some, falling asleep and getting a good night's sleep could be a daily struggle. But here's a natural way to solve that - yoga!

Practicing yoga has many benefits for your body, mind, and even your sleep.

While some yoga poses focus on helping you build strength and energy, there are other yoga poses that can help you relax your body and mind. Putting yourself in a relaxed state can help you fall asleep, sleep soundly, and wake up refreshed for the next day.

Best of all, you can achieve relaxation and better sleep by performing a short, gentle yoga sequence in the comfort of your home.

Think of it as a healthy, relaxing session after the end of a busy day.

Let's roll out your yoga mat, practice these bedtime yoga poses to help you fall asleep faster, or at least get the sleep you deserve!


1. Standing Forward Bend


The Standing Forwards Bend helps to relieve stress, headaches and insomnia as it calms the brain.

You don’t need to keep your knees straight if you can’t.

Just bend your knees a little to ease the strain and release tension in the legs and hips.

  • Begin with standing with your feet six inches apart.
  • Gently fold your torso towards the ground. Just like all forward bends, the emphasis is on lengthening the torso as you enter the pose fully.
  • With your knees straight, bring your fingers to the floor beside your feet or slightly in front.
  • If you cannot straighten your knees, don’t worry. You can cross your arms and hold the opposite elbows.
  • On Inhale, lengthen the front torso slightly. And on exhale, relax and release into the forward bend a little deeper.
  • Let your head hang between the shoulder blades.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • When coming up, bring your hands to your hips, press your tailbone down into the pelvis and slowly come up with a long front torso.

2. Cat and Cow Pose 


The Cat and Cow Pose looks pretty easy to do, yet it is very beneficial for the mind.

This pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and neck by lengthening the spine to the discs between the vertebrae. This will calm the mind and relieve stress from the back and neck.

Start by entering Cat Pose and then Cow Pose. The flow between these two poses creates space between vertebrae by loosening up the spine.

  • For Cat Pose, start on your hands and knees (tabletop position). Your knees are directly below your hips and your arms straight with your wrists directly under your shoulders.
  • On exhale, round your spine, pull your belly in and release your head towards the floor without forcing your chin to your chest. Make sure to keep your shoulders and knees in the same position.
  • Enter Cow Pose on inhalation by lifting your chest, lower your belly, bring your tailbone up towards the ceiling and look towards the ceiling.
  • Perform this flow for 5 breaths or as long as you like.
  • When you’re done, recover to a tabletop position.

3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)


Two yogi doing Child's pose - yoga poses to fall asleep faster

The Child’s Pose is often used as a resting pose. It stretches the thighs, hips, back.

Practicing this pose helps to relieve fatigue and calm the mind as well.

If you have any discomfort in your back or neck, this may also help to relieve the pain.

  • From the previous tabletop position, Sink your hips back and sit on your heels.
  • Gently bring your head towards the floor and chest between your thighs.
  • With your forehead resting on the floor, stretch your arms in front.
  • Breathe deeply into your lower back.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds to several minutes or however long you like.

4. Legs Up the Wall Pose


This pose also improves blood circulation for the upper body and head, rebalancing your body after you have been sitting or standing for a long time.

It gives you a gentle hamstring stretch and helps to relieve lower back pain, stress, fatigue and headaches.

It also helps drain lymph and lactic acid from the legs. This will decrease the soreness and fatigue accumulated in your legs if you spend a lot of time standing.

  • Begin with your legs straight up the wall.
  • Bring your tailbone to the base of the wall as close as possible.
  • If you can, try to have your glutes touching the wall.
  • Make sure to feel comfortable, not stretched.

5. Supine Spinal Twist


This Supine Spinal Twist stretches the back muscles, spine and hamstrings. It also eases back tension, improves breathing and soothes frazzled nerves.

Practicing this pose is great for unwinding after a long day!

The reclined position penetrates deep into the spine, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • Lie on your back and bring your arms out to the sides with the palms facing down.
  • Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the left knee.
  • On exhale, drop the right knee over to the left side of your body. If you’d like a neck stretch, gaze towards your right fingertips. Make sure your shoulders are flat on the floor.
  • Allow gravity to pull your knee down, so you don’t have to use any effort. Close your eyes and relax into the posture.
  • Hold this position for 1 minute or as long as you like.
  • To come out, roll the right hips back and right legs back down to the floor.
  • Repeat on the other side.

6. Happy Baby Pose 


Just like mimicking a happy baby by holding your feet and ankles, this pose offers a full-body relaxation.

This pose is perfect for practicing right before bed to relieve stress and encourage a great night’s sleep.

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees into your belly.
  • Grasp the insides of your feet with your hands.
  • Then pull your heels up to the ceiling while keeping your tailbone down.
  • Your ankles are directly over your knees and your knees should be pulled towards your armpit area. Keep your heels flexed.
  • Rock back and forth gently to massage the spine.
  • Hold this pose for 1 minute or as long as you like.
7. Reclining Bound Angle Pose


This is a classic yoga pose often practice in restorative yoga. It helps to relieve the symptoms of stress, mild depression and menstruation.

The Reclining Bound Angle Pose is one of the best yoga poses to fall asleep faster because it’s easy to do and can be adjusted for any level of hip or groin resistance.

  • Continue from the previous Happy Baby pose, let your feet down to the ground.
  • Bring the soles of the feet together so that they touch each other.
  • Let gravity pull your knees down while keeping your heels close to your pelvis. The key here is to feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly. Close your eyes and relax deep into the posture.
  • Stay in this pose for 5 minutes.

8. Corpse Pose


Finally, enter the Corpse Pose, a total relaxation yoga pose that ultimately helps to reduce headache, fatigue, and insomnia.

When doing this pose, it’s crucial that the body is in a neutral position.

  • From the previous Reclined Bound Angle Pose, release both legs down to the corner of your bed or mat. Keep your groins soften and feet turn out.
  • Place your hands a few inches away from your hips with both your palms facing the ceiling.
  • Close your eyes and let your mind free of any thoughts. Breathe deeply and naturally.
  • Hold this pose as long as you like.

Get better sleep naturally with yoga!

We've all been through this! Whether it falls asleep faster or just gets a good night's sleep.

Studies have shown that practicing yoga frequently can help improve the quality of your sleep

A good night's sleep after a long day is critical to long-term productivity and health. While some may solve their sleepless nights with sleeping pills, why not sleep better naturally with yoga?

If you practice these yoga poses for just 20 minutes or less, you will find that it is easier to relax in your sleep. Before you know it, you'll be sleeping in dreamland!

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5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly.


 On a personal level, I saw a huge difference in my stomach as I dropped these foods that I'll talk about below.

And believe me, it will be worth it to see your tummy shrink when you stop clinging to these foods.

The foods listed below may be your staples or you think they are good for you.

I understand you if you just enjoy eating them. You may even think that it is impossible to remove them from your diet.

However, a change is required!

Still wondering what foods to avoid to lose belly fat? Continue reading!

1- White Rice/Pasta/Bread

5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly.

The first on the list of foods that you should avoid losing your belly fat is refined rice, pasta, and bread.

White rice, pasta, and bread are low in nutritional value in terms of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

This fact is enough to put it on the list of foods not to eat while trying to lose belly fat.

Fiber is important for those looking to reduce belly fat as it provides a longer feeling of satiety.

If a food doesn't contain what is needed to lose weight, let alone reduce your belly fat and then throw it away!

Alternatives: brown rice, pasta, bread

2- Artificial Sweeteners/Refined Sugar

5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly.

As I explained earlier, the source of sugar is essential for your body.

The main source of energy for the body is glucose, which is carbohydrates that are converted to sugar during digestion.

Unfortunately, refined sugar, which we call table sugar, is deprived of all of its minerals and vitamins.

Artificial sweeteners have been popular since 1998 and many people consider them the best alternative to white sugar.

For a long time I also thought that I was doing the right thing if I swapped white sugar for an artificial sweetener.

In fact, artificial sweeteners do not contain any calories, but they are definitely healthy as some may think.

Studies have shown that consumption of these sweeteners is linked to weight gain and belly fat over time.

They can cause an imbalance in your metabolic system because the type of sweetness the brain perceives on the tongue and the actual blood sugar the brain receives are not the same.

The brain senses a certain interruption. To make up for the lack of calories, the brain sends signals that you need to eat more.

I now understand why diet soft drinks or foods containing artificial sweeteners are never satisfying.

You'll always want more of that Diet Coke, more of these so-called healthy baked goods.

Over time, I've come to understand the effects artificial sweeteners can have on my body.

Sincerely, I now see these sweeteners as real dangers.

Alternatives: stevia, raw honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar

3- Deep-Fried Foods

5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly.

Did you know that when you deep-fry the food, the water content is removed to absorb the oil?

Deep-frying a food actually adds more calories to it, especially fats.

My advice to those looking to get rid of their big belly is to avoid fried foods for as long as possible.

Alternatives: oven-baked foods, air-fried foods

4- Processed Foods

5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly.

Convenience is an important consideration for a customer when shopping for groceries these days.

It's so easy, cheap, and convenient to simply have your favorite pre-cooked turkey lasagna or margherita pizza that you simply reheat it in your oven instead of preparing and cooking it yourself.

Processed foods include prepackaged meals, pastries, nuggets, cheese, sausages, and the list goes on.

These foods are your enemies !!! They are one of the words foods to avoid losing belly fat.

Since they have lost their taste in the process, manufacturers have to add sodium, sugar, additives and trans fats.

The purpose of these supplements is to help with flavor enhancement, color preservation, and of course, they add up on the shelves for long months.

All of these ingredients slow down digestion.

You also need to know that processed foods are highly addictive.

You will never feel satiated and you will always want more because of these extra elements, especially sodium.

Again, added sugars, trans fats, and sodium are ingredients that will only add to your weight.

Alternatives: Homemade meals, chickpea burgers, grass-fed beef burgers

5- Soft Drinks

5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Belly.

When I say soft drinks, I am also referring to sugar-free drinks or diet drinks, which are also included in the list of foods to avoid losing belly fat.

Studies have shown that soft drinks have this tendency to arouse appetite and suppress the feeling of satiety.

Not to mention, they are loaded with sugar, which will eventually raise blood sugar levels and increase your fat storage.

Alternatives: amniotic fluid, smoothies, protein shakes, natural fruit juices.

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 Even in forced self-isolation, you can find benefits. Today we are going to introduce you to five beauty habits that you will definitely benefit from following them.



There is hardly a better opportunity to let go of your eyebrows. Then the master has something to do at the end of the quarantine. You can try special products for eyebrow growth. Revitalash and Talika have good ones.



Many video tutorials on how to remove gel polish at home have been filmed. What do you do next? With an orange pencil or special tool, pull back the cuticles, apply oil and give your nails a break from bumps.



The first and most obvious, the refusal to dry your hair with a hairdryer on a daily basis, is already benefiting your hair. When you pamper it with nourishing masks and procedures, begin a course that strengthens the onions. At the end of the quarantine, you can get luxurious hair. Nutritious masks can easily be ordered via the delivery service or you can use homemade recipes. Some of them are secretly very effective.

 Also, now is the time to learn a couple of universal styling that will help out in any situation. You can study a couple of video tutorials on brushing, you will definitely succeed!



A great time to try online workouts to strengthen the oval of the face, practice a rolling massage, or massage gua sha with a special scraper. All of these manipulations will not only keep you entertained during quarantine, but will also become a good beauty habit in the future and will help deal with puffiness and wrinkles.



Lymphatic drainage massage, dry brush massage, active care, peelings and even self-tanning. When you combine it with home training, going to work after incarceration is doubly pleasant. And don't forget Bertuvannaya! Subject to their regular use and at least a minimal restriction of themselves in junk food, they will surely produce a result.

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What is the benefit of walking?

What is the benefit of walking?

Daily walking is a very good habit. It helps your body stay in a healthy state. You carry your own body weight when you walk. This is known as a stress exercise. Some important benefits of walking are:

Increased cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness (heart and lungs).
Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
Improved management of conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint and muscle pain or stiffness, and diabetes.

Stronger bones and improved balance.
Increased muscle strength and endurance.
Reduced body fat.

10 minute walk 1,000 steps:
Lowers blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. 
A 20 minute nature walk 2,000 steps: 
Can improve the concentration level of ADHD kids as much as medication. 
A 30 minute daily walk 3,000 steps: reduces heart disease risk by 20%.

What is the benefit of walking?
  • Gross motor development : walking outdoors every day develops essential gross motor skills in under fives.
  • Classroom concentration : children who walk to school concentrate better for the first four hours of the day compared with those that drive.
  • Activity levels : children who walk are more active when they arrive at their destination and so continue to enjoy the benefits of increased activity levels even after the walk is over.
  • Self esteem : just 5 to 10 minutes activity, including walking, in a green space improves self esteem.
  • Mood : and again just 5 to 10 minutes walking in a natural environment improves mood.
  • Creative thinking : walking outside increases creativity levels by over 80%.
  • ADHD : a 20 minute walk in the park improves concentration levels in ADHD kids as much as medication.
  • Community connection : children who walk daily feel more connected to their community which significantly improves mental health in adolescence.
  • Chronic stress : a 20 minute walk reduces cortisol levels and chronic stress in adolescents.
  • Back pain : walking one to two miles, two to three times a week is as good as specialist exercises for lower back pain.
  • Depression : walking just one mile daily protects against depression in all ages and eases depression in those suffering.
  • Anxiety : a 10 minute walk can relieve anxiety as much as a 45 minute workout and the benefits kick in after 5 minutes.
  • Blood pressure : a 30 minute walk in the morning can lower blood pressure as much as medication.
  • Diabetes : a 10 minute walk after each meal significantly reduces blood glucose levels, especially in the evening.
  • Cholesterol : walking one to two miles a day cuts bad cholesterol levels by 20%.
  • Weight loss : walking a mile every day burns 700 calories a week.
  • Breast cancer : walking 2 to 3 miles a day reduces breast cancer risk.
  • Colon cancer : walking for 20 minutes – a mile or so – daily reduces risk of colon cancer by up to 50%.
  • Heart disease : walking half an hour daily cuts heart disease risk by 20%.
  • Respiratory disease : walking 2 to 3 miles a day reduces hospital admissions in COPD patients.
  • Eyesight : walking three times a week lowers intraocular pressure and cuts the risk of glaucoma by 25%.
  • Protects muscles : hamstrings and glutes are shortened from prolonged sitting, walking daily prevents this.
  • Arthritis : walking 10 to 40 minutes a days, most days eases joint pain in arthritis patients.
  • Stroke risk : walking to work most days cuts risk of death from stroke by 30%.
  • Alzheimers : walking one mile a day slows the progress of Alzheimers.

What is the benefit of walking?

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Five health tips you always remember, and follow regularly?


Five health tips you always remember, and follow regularly?

Five health tips you always remember, and follow regularly?

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing in the night.
  2. Meditate for 10 minutes whenever feeling stressed.
  3. Exercise for at least 4 hours in a week.
  4. Get at least 7 hours of sleep.
  5. Pick up a sport and play it regularly.

Many factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, good health can reduce the risk of developing certain medical conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and injuries. Find out what you can do to keep your and your family's health healthy.

Way to better health

Eating healthy.
What you eat is closely related to your health. A balanced diet has many advantages. By choosing healthier foods, you can prevent or treat certain medical conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Eating a healthy diet can help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol levels.

Get regular exercise.
Exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and colon cancer. It can help treat depression, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. People who play sports are also less likely to get injured. Exercise routine can make you feel better and keep your weight under control. Try to be active for 30 to 60 minutes about 5 times a week. Remember, any amount of exercise is better than none.

Lose weight if you are overweight.
Many Americans are overweight. Carrying too much weight increases your risk for various health conditions. These include:

high blood pressure
high cholesterol
Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
some cancers
Gallbladder disease
Obesity can also lead to weight-related injuries. A common problem is arthritis in the stressful joints such as the spine, hips or knees. There are several different things that you can try to lose weight and keep it off.

Protect your skin.
Sun exposure has been linked to skin cancer. This is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is best to limit your time in the sun. Be sure to wear protective clothing and hats when you are outside. Use sunscreen on exposed skin such as your face and hands year round. It protects your skin and prevents skin cancer. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. It should be at least a sun protection factor of 15. Do not sunbathe or use tanning booths.

Practice safe sex.
Safe sex is good for your emotional and physical health. The safest form of sex is between 2 people who only have sex with each other. Use protection to help prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Condoms are the most effective form of prevention. Talk to your doctor if you need to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

Do not smoke or use tobacco.
Smoking and tobacco use are harmful habits. They can cause heart disease and cancer of the mouth, throat, or lung. They are also major contributors to emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The sooner you stop, the better.

Things to consider
In addition to the factors listed above, you should also take time to focus on overall body health. Visit your doctors for regular checkups. This includes your family doctor as well as your dentist and ophthalmologist. Let your health benefits and prevention services work for you. Make sure you know what your health insurance covers. Preventive measures can detect or prevent diseases before they start. This includes certain doctor visits and checkups.

You need to take time to care about breast health. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. Men can also develop breast cancer. Talk to your doctor about when to start the mammogram. You may need to start screening early if you have risk factors such as a family history. One way to detect breast cancer is to do a monthly self-exam.

Women should also get routine Pap smears. Women aged 21 to 65 should be tested every 3 years. This may be different if you have certain conditions or have your cervix removed.

Ask your doctor about other cancer screenings. Adults should be screened for colon cancer from the age of 50. Your doctor may want to check for other types of cancer. This will depend on your risk factors and your family history.

Keep a list of the current medications you are taking. You should also stay up to date on any vaccinations, including an annual flu shot. Adults need a Td booster every 10 years. Your doctor can replace it with Tdap. This also protects against whooping cough (pertussis). Pregnant women need the Tdap vaccine. People who are in close contact with babies should also have it.

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5 Best Moves To Elminate Fat Between Your Thighs!

This confession will come as no surprise to my friends and family, most of whom have spent many glorious years making merry over my tendency to nod off over breakfast, my need for copious amounts of coffee before noon, and my late-night bursts of productivity.

For years I’ve tried to pretend I’m one of “them”—those chirpy, cheerful folks who rise effortlessly at dawn to go after that proverbial worm. I’ve also spent many years suppressing the urge to complain bitterly about a world where night owls like me suffer grievous discrimination at the hands of those ubiquitous “normal” people.

 So those who know me best are always startled—no, make that shocked—to find out that I do most of my exercising in the early hours of the day, anywhere from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. They’re even more astonished, after an initial double take, to discover that I actually like to get my exercise in early.
5 Best Moves To Elminate Fat Between Your Thighs!
And though my morning-exercise regimen started out as a concession to the practical constraints of my life, I have since discovered that there are some very good benefits to learning to love exercise in the morning—so I’ll share with you my “Top Ten Reasons” for getting up with the early birds to get moving:

1- Exercising early in the morning "jump starts" your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours, sometimes for up to 24 hours! As a result, you’ll be burning more calories all day long—just because you exercised in the morning.  
   2- Exercising in the morning energizes you for the day—not to mention that gratifying feeling of virtue you have knowing you’ve done something disciplined and good for you. (Much better than a worm!)
    3-Studies have shown that exercise significantly increases mental acuity—a benefit that lasts four to ten hours after your workout ends. Exercising in the a.m. means you get to harness that brainpower, instead of wasting it while you’re snoozing.

    4-Assuming you make exercise a true priority, it shouldn’t be a major problem to get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier—especially since regular exercise generally means a higher quality of sleep, which in turn means you’ll probably require less sleep. (If getting up 30 to 60 minutes earlier each day seems too daunting, you can ease into it with 10 to 20 minutes at first.)
5-When you exercise at about the same time every morning—especially if you wake up regularly at about the same time—you’re regulating your body's endocrine system and circadian rhythms. Your body learns that you do the same thing just about every day, and it begins to prepare for waking and exercise several hours before you actually open your eyes. That’s beneficial because:
        -Your body’s not “confused” by wildly changing wake-up times, which means waking up is much less painful. (You may even find that you don’t need an alarm clock most days.)  
       - Hormones prepare your body for exercise by regulating blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to muscles, etc. 

       - Your metabolism, along with all the hormones involved in activity and exercise, begin to elevate while you're sleeping. As a result, you’ll feel more alert, energized, and ready to exercise when you do wake up

 6. Many people find that morning exercise has a tendency to regulate their appetite for the rest of the day. Not only do they eat less (since activity causes the release of endorphins, which in turn diminishes appetite), they also choose healthier portions of healthier foods.
7. People who consistently exercise find, sometimes to their great surprise, that the appointed time every morning evolves into something they look forward to. Besides the satisfaction of taking care of themselves, they find it’s a great time to plan their day, pray, or just think more clearly—things most of us often don’t get to do otherwise.
 8. Exercising first thing in the morning is the most foolproof way to ensure that other things don’t overtake your fitness commitment, particularly if you have a hectic family life. (It’s so easy to wimp out in the evening, when we’re tired or faced with such tasks as rustling up dinner and helping with homework.)
 9. More than 90% of those who exercise consistently have a morning fitness routine. If you want to exercise on a regular basis, the odds are in your favor if you squeeze your workout into the a.m.
 10. Non-morning people can always trick themselves in the a.m. Having trouble psyching yourself up for a sunrise jog? Do what I did—tell yourself that you’ll still be so fast asleep that you won’t even remember—much less mind! 

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Shoulder length hair is so versatile! It’s long enough to pull up, short enough to stay out of the way when you wear it down and easy enough to style fast. But if you’re like me, you probably like to change up your hairdo now and again.
Maybe you’re going to an event and need to find simple and easy wedding hairstyles or prom hair ideas. Perhaps you want inspiration to look trendier and pulled together on days you don’t have time to wash and blow dry your locks. Or perhaps it’s warm outside and your hair is just long enough to feel hot and sticky on the back of your neck.
Well, this collection of simple updos for shoulder length hair will give you tons of ideas and cover all your bases. I found these tutorials on The Small Things Blog channel on YouTube. I’ve been watching Kate’s hair tutorials for MONTHS now. I love how simple and elegant they are, and how easy it is to recreate these hair ideas without shelling out hundreds of dollars at the sAt the end of the day, medium length hair gives you the best of both worlds—long and short. With the right styles, you’ll love wearing your shoulder length hair up. It’s polished, professional and a heck of a lot easier than shampooing and blow drying every morning so you can wear your hair down!
Here are ten simple updos for shoulder length hair to try to today!

Low Chignon Hair Tutorial

This elegant chignon tutorial starts with wavy, second-day hair (although it would still work with straight hair as well). It’s super sophisticated and swept a little to the side, for extra interest. She adds volume using a powdered texturizer like L’ANZA Healing Style Powder Up Texturizer, which is a great way to add oomph to your style. Aside from the texturizer, it’s all about a few carefully placed bobby pins to create a style that comes together in minutes and looks ready for the office or eve night out
Casual Half Up
I’m a huge fan of the casual half-up style for shoulder length hair. It works on straight or curly hair and looks oh-so-pretty. This is a sexy style that channels Bridget Bardot and other 70’s screen sirens. It’s got an easy, “just thrown together” look, but it’s romantic, soft and comes together in minutes. Again, a few pins and clear elastics are all you need for this lovely hairstyle.

Fold Over Bang Twist Tutorial

Girls with bangs know the struggle! Some days your fringe won’t cooperate or behave. This fold-over bang twist is a great solution for growing out your bangs, changing up your look or even creating a fun new look if you don’t have bangs, but want to sweep your hair to the side. So many women aren’t quite sure what to do with the in-between bang stage and this is a solution that is polished and put-together (as opposed to slapping in a clip and crossing your fingers). Bonus—only ONE bobby pin is required! So easy!

Side French Braid Ponytail

I love how “done” this style looks. This side French braid appears complicated but it’s SO easy to follow the tutorial, you’ll quickly do this in five minutes in the morning. It’s a perfect style for a hot day, a summer wedding or concert. Your hair will stay out of the way and cool all day (or night) long.

Lived In Messy Bun

We all love the messy bun look! It’s the perfect “just tossed together” look, but as she explains in the tutorial using a teeny bit of effort helps this hairstyle really come together. She recommends a texturizing spray like Amika Obliphica Un.Done texture Spray. She also uses the popular “no crease” fabric or ribbon ponytail holders. The best part of this shoulder-length messy bun is the style works even better with second-day dirty hair! No wash required!

The Twisted Phonytail

How cute is the “phonytail” name for this style? Kate’s tutorials are so accessible and easy to follow and she’s funny too! Her styles are truly effortless (but look fantastic). This phonytail is no exception. She adds texture with Bumble and Bumble Thickening Dry Spun Finish spray and then simply twists this style together in a few minutes using clear elastics and bobby pins. The final look is perfectly put-together and sophisticated.

French Twist Tutorial

The French twist is one of those classic hairstyles that always eluded me. It’s so sleek and pretty, but how does the hair tuck into the twist like that? Well, after watching this simple hairstyle tutorial, I finally get it! This French twist starts with dry shampoo—she uses KMS HairPlay Makeover Spray. After teasing the hair, she sweeps and pins it to one side, and then moves and twists pieces of hair in small sections. Like, magic, the twist comes together, and she finishes the hairstyle with a jeweled clip. Très belle!

Elegant Half Up

This style works best on medium length, fine hair, but as she says in the tutorial, the style is adjustable for all hair types and textures. This elegant half-up hairdo looks so gorgeous and complicated, but it only requires bobby pins! The crisscross woven texture across the back of the head looks like it requires fancy skills, but honestly, it’s simply swoop and pin! Such an easy, pretty hairstyle!

The Dutch Braid

The Dutch braid is also known as a reverse French braid. Instead of being tucked under, the braid sets on top of the hair. It’s a very striking look, especially with the deep side part. This is another excellent style for camouflaging bangs or dealing with the in-between bang stage when you’re growing them out. The pretty braid sets across the front of your hair like a cute headband or crown, holding hair off your face. Better still, it’s a great style for second day hair!

The Messiest of Buns Tutorial

Messy bun lovers this one is for you! She uses texture powder to start this style again, but suggests you could also use Redkin Quick Tease 15 Backcombing Finishing Spray to get a backcombed, big-hair look. To create the bun, you loosely clump the hair in your hand, wrap an elastic around it, pull it apart and loosen it up. From there, pin in any stray hairs and pull the top up to add volume. Spritz with a little hairspray and you’re good to go!
I love all of Kate’s great hairstyle tips and tutorial videos, and I’m sure you will too! To follow The Small Things Blog on YouTube, 
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If you love these updos for shoulder length hair as much as we do, please share them on Pinterest!
And if you’re looking for more hairstyles to keep your locks looking stylish year-round, please follow our Hair board where we share all kinds of inspiration!

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