Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts



Losing weight can be a challenge in itself, let alone losing weight from a specific area of ​​your body. Extra fat on your face in particular can be a frustrating problem if it bothers you.

Fortunately, many strategies can increase fat burning and help in slimming your face.

Here are 8 effective methods to help you lose fat on your face. 


1. Do Facial Exercises

Facial exercises can be used to improve facial appearance, combat aging, and improve muscle strength.

Anecdotal reports claim that adding facial exercise to your routine can also tone facial muscles and make your face appear slimmer.

Some of the most popular exercises include puffing out your cheeks and forcing air from side to side, alternately puckering your lips and holding a smile while clenching your teeth for a few seconds at a time.

Although the evidence is limited, one review reported that facial exercises can build muscle tone in your face.

Another study showed that performing facial muscle exercises twice a day for 8 weeks increased muscle thickness and improved facial rejuvenation.

Remember, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of facial exercise for fat loss. More studies are needed to evaluate how these exercises can affect facial fat in humans.

2. Add Cardio To your Routine

Often times, extra fat on your face is the result of excess body fat.

Losing weight can increase fat loss and help you lose weight on your body and face.

Cardio or aerobics is any type of physical activity that increases your heart rate. It is widely considered to be one of the most effective weight loss methods.

Several studies have shown that cardio can promote fat burning and increase fat loss .

Additionally, one study found that obese women experienced greater fat loss with more cardio exercise .

Try to get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every week, which equates to roughly 20 to 40 minutes of cardio per day .

Some common examples of cardio exercise are running, dancing, walking, cycling, and swimming.

3. Drink more water

Drinking water is critical to your overall health and can be especially important if you're looking to lose facial fat.

Studies suggest that water can keep you full and increase weight loss.

In fact, one small study found that drinking water before a meal significantly reduced the amount of calories burned during the meal.

Other research suggests that drinking water can temporarily boost your metabolism. Increasing the number of calories you burn during the day can help you lose weight.

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption

While it's okay to have an occasional glass of wine with dinner, going overboard with your alcohol consumption can be one of the biggest contributors to facial oil accumulation and bloating.

Alcohol is high in calories but low in nutrients and can be linked to an increased risk of weight gain .

Keeping alcohol consumption under control is the best way to control alcohol-related gas and weight gain.

According to current U.S. nutritional guidelines for Americans, moderate drinking is defined as having up to two drinks per day for men and up to one drink per day for women.

5. Cut Down on Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates like cookies, crackers, and pasta are common causes of weight gain and increased fat storage.

These carbohydrates have been highly processed by stripping them of their beneficial nutrients and fiber, leaving little behind other than sugar and calories.

Since they are very low in fiber, they are digested quickly, causing spikes and falls in blood sugar levels and a higher risk of overeating.

A study of 277 women showed that higher refined carbohydrate intake was linked to a higher risk of obesity and a higher amount of belly fat (13Trusted Source).

While no studies have looked directly into the effects of refined carbohydrates on facial fat, switching to whole grains can increase overall weight loss, which can also aid facial fat loss (14Trusted Source).

6. Turn on your Sleep Schedule

Catching up on sleep is an important strategy for weight loss. It can also help you lose facial fat.

Sleep deprivation can lead to increases in levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that has a long list of possible side effects, including weight gain.

Studies have shown that high levels of cortisol can increase appetite and alter metabolism, resulting in increased fat storage.

Additionally, squeezing more sleep can help you shed extra pounds.

One study found that better quality sleep was linked to successful weight loss maintenance.

Conversely, studies show that sleep deprivation can increase food intake, cause weight gain, and lower metabolism.

Ideally, you should sleep at least 8 hours a night to aid in weight control and fat loss on the face.

7. Monitor your Sodium Intake

One of the hallmarks of excessive sodium intake is bloating, and it can cause puffiness and swelling of the face.

This is because your body holds extra water through sodium, which leads to fluid retention.

Several studies have shown that higher sodium intake can increase fluid retention, especially in people who are more sensitive to the effects of salt.

Processed foods make up more than 75% of the sodium intake in the average diet. Cutting out ready meals, savory snacks, and processed meats can therefore be a simple and effective way to reduce sodium intake.

Reduce your sodium intake to make your face appear slimmer.

8. Eat more Fiber

One of the most popular recommendations for losing weight on your face and losing cheek fat is to increase your fiber intake.

Fiber is a compound found in plant foods that moves slowly through your digestive tract, making you feel full longer to help curb cravings and decrease appetite.

A study of 345 people who were overweight and obese found that higher fiber intake was linked to increased weight loss and improved adherence to a low-calorie diet.

Another review of 62 studies found that consuming more soluble fiber, a type of fiber that forms a gel when mixed with water, can reduce both body weight and waist circumference without restricting calories (28Trusted Source).

Fiber occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.

Ideally, you should try to consume at least 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day from these food sources.

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 I think we all agree that having a good night's sleep is important, right?

A sleepless night often leaves you feeling zombified, moody, and unproductive the next day. More importantly, it's not healthy in the long run.

For some, falling asleep and getting a good night's sleep could be a daily struggle. But here's a natural way to solve that - yoga!

Practicing yoga has many benefits for your body, mind, and even your sleep.

While some yoga poses focus on helping you build strength and energy, there are other yoga poses that can help you relax your body and mind. Putting yourself in a relaxed state can help you fall asleep, sleep soundly, and wake up refreshed for the next day.

Best of all, you can achieve relaxation and better sleep by performing a short, gentle yoga sequence in the comfort of your home.

Think of it as a healthy, relaxing session after the end of a busy day.

Let's roll out your yoga mat, practice these bedtime yoga poses to help you fall asleep faster, or at least get the sleep you deserve!


1. Standing Forward Bend


The Standing Forwards Bend helps to relieve stress, headaches and insomnia as it calms the brain.

You don’t need to keep your knees straight if you can’t.

Just bend your knees a little to ease the strain and release tension in the legs and hips.

  • Begin with standing with your feet six inches apart.
  • Gently fold your torso towards the ground. Just like all forward bends, the emphasis is on lengthening the torso as you enter the pose fully.
  • With your knees straight, bring your fingers to the floor beside your feet or slightly in front.
  • If you cannot straighten your knees, don’t worry. You can cross your arms and hold the opposite elbows.
  • On Inhale, lengthen the front torso slightly. And on exhale, relax and release into the forward bend a little deeper.
  • Let your head hang between the shoulder blades.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • When coming up, bring your hands to your hips, press your tailbone down into the pelvis and slowly come up with a long front torso.

2. Cat and Cow Pose 


The Cat and Cow Pose looks pretty easy to do, yet it is very beneficial for the mind.

This pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and neck by lengthening the spine to the discs between the vertebrae. This will calm the mind and relieve stress from the back and neck.

Start by entering Cat Pose and then Cow Pose. The flow between these two poses creates space between vertebrae by loosening up the spine.

  • For Cat Pose, start on your hands and knees (tabletop position). Your knees are directly below your hips and your arms straight with your wrists directly under your shoulders.
  • On exhale, round your spine, pull your belly in and release your head towards the floor without forcing your chin to your chest. Make sure to keep your shoulders and knees in the same position.
  • Enter Cow Pose on inhalation by lifting your chest, lower your belly, bring your tailbone up towards the ceiling and look towards the ceiling.
  • Perform this flow for 5 breaths or as long as you like.
  • When you’re done, recover to a tabletop position.

3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)


Two yogi doing Child's pose - yoga poses to fall asleep faster

The Child’s Pose is often used as a resting pose. It stretches the thighs, hips, back.

Practicing this pose helps to relieve fatigue and calm the mind as well.

If you have any discomfort in your back or neck, this may also help to relieve the pain.

  • From the previous tabletop position, Sink your hips back and sit on your heels.
  • Gently bring your head towards the floor and chest between your thighs.
  • With your forehead resting on the floor, stretch your arms in front.
  • Breathe deeply into your lower back.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds to several minutes or however long you like.

4. Legs Up the Wall Pose


This pose also improves blood circulation for the upper body and head, rebalancing your body after you have been sitting or standing for a long time.

It gives you a gentle hamstring stretch and helps to relieve lower back pain, stress, fatigue and headaches.

It also helps drain lymph and lactic acid from the legs. This will decrease the soreness and fatigue accumulated in your legs if you spend a lot of time standing.

  • Begin with your legs straight up the wall.
  • Bring your tailbone to the base of the wall as close as possible.
  • If you can, try to have your glutes touching the wall.
  • Make sure to feel comfortable, not stretched.

5. Supine Spinal Twist


This Supine Spinal Twist stretches the back muscles, spine and hamstrings. It also eases back tension, improves breathing and soothes frazzled nerves.

Practicing this pose is great for unwinding after a long day!

The reclined position penetrates deep into the spine, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • Lie on your back and bring your arms out to the sides with the palms facing down.
  • Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the left knee.
  • On exhale, drop the right knee over to the left side of your body. If you’d like a neck stretch, gaze towards your right fingertips. Make sure your shoulders are flat on the floor.
  • Allow gravity to pull your knee down, so you don’t have to use any effort. Close your eyes and relax into the posture.
  • Hold this position for 1 minute or as long as you like.
  • To come out, roll the right hips back and right legs back down to the floor.
  • Repeat on the other side.

6. Happy Baby Pose 


Just like mimicking a happy baby by holding your feet and ankles, this pose offers a full-body relaxation.

This pose is perfect for practicing right before bed to relieve stress and encourage a great night’s sleep.

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees into your belly.
  • Grasp the insides of your feet with your hands.
  • Then pull your heels up to the ceiling while keeping your tailbone down.
  • Your ankles are directly over your knees and your knees should be pulled towards your armpit area. Keep your heels flexed.
  • Rock back and forth gently to massage the spine.
  • Hold this pose for 1 minute or as long as you like.
7. Reclining Bound Angle Pose


This is a classic yoga pose often practice in restorative yoga. It helps to relieve the symptoms of stress, mild depression and menstruation.

The Reclining Bound Angle Pose is one of the best yoga poses to fall asleep faster because it’s easy to do and can be adjusted for any level of hip or groin resistance.

  • Continue from the previous Happy Baby pose, let your feet down to the ground.
  • Bring the soles of the feet together so that they touch each other.
  • Let gravity pull your knees down while keeping your heels close to your pelvis. The key here is to feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly. Close your eyes and relax deep into the posture.
  • Stay in this pose for 5 minutes.

8. Corpse Pose


Finally, enter the Corpse Pose, a total relaxation yoga pose that ultimately helps to reduce headache, fatigue, and insomnia.

When doing this pose, it’s crucial that the body is in a neutral position.

  • From the previous Reclined Bound Angle Pose, release both legs down to the corner of your bed or mat. Keep your groins soften and feet turn out.
  • Place your hands a few inches away from your hips with both your palms facing the ceiling.
  • Close your eyes and let your mind free of any thoughts. Breathe deeply and naturally.
  • Hold this pose as long as you like.

Get better sleep naturally with yoga!

We've all been through this! Whether it falls asleep faster or just gets a good night's sleep.

Studies have shown that practicing yoga frequently can help improve the quality of your sleep

A good night's sleep after a long day is critical to long-term productivity and health. While some may solve their sleepless nights with sleeping pills, why not sleep better naturally with yoga?

If you practice these yoga poses for just 20 minutes or less, you will find that it is easier to relax in your sleep. Before you know it, you'll be sleeping in dreamland!

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