Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.


 A typical morning begins with choosing an outfit, shower, breakfast and makeup. After all these tasks, there is almost no time left to style your hair, you either wear it straight or put it in a bun or ponytail. You can still do something creative with your hair in minutes. Whether you're late for school /work or just want to try something different, here are 10 easy step-by-step hairstyles under 5 minutes for you.

1. Braided Chignon

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

2. Chignon Hack

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

3. Knot Your Pony

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

4. Easy Chignon

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

5. Half Bun

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

6. Twisted Wrap Bun

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

7. Scarf Braid Bun

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

8. Weaved Ponytail

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

9. Twisted Scarf Crown Headband

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

10. Knotted Ponytail

Top 10 Easy 5 Minute Hairstyles.

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Dry Skin Around The Eyes Treatment.


Dry Skin Around The Eyes Treatment.
 Dry skin:

An aggravating skin care problem in itself, but the eye area seems to provoke an additional moan of frustration. This is because the delicate tissue is already super thin, so any dryness is prone to itching, peeling and irritation. Not sweet.

But what exactly causes dry skin around the eyes and how can this shimmer be kept soft and supple? There's more to it here than you might think.

What Causes it

Most often, dry, flaky skin around the eyes has two main causes: allergic reactions (or contact dermatitis) or genetic skin conditions. While other factors can play a role as well (think dry weather, sunburn, or just just aging), these two often fit the bill. Of course, you can only face ordinary dry skin. Because the area is so thin, it is naturally more prone to drought. Annoying, sure, but not necessarily a cause for concern; You can soothe and protect the gossamer skin with ease, as you will see.

How to Treat Dry Skin

Delaying the onset of dry skin around the eyes is just as important as treating the irritation itself. The good news is, there are a number of ways you can do both.

Dry Skin Around The Eyes Treatment.

1.Protect the eye area with sunscreen.

The eye area is often neglected when using sun protection factor - but you should take the time to rub a suitable sunscreen over your eyelids. "The last thing you want is sunburn in this area," says Downie. "Unfortunately, sunburn can make your skin wrinkle faster." It is well known that wrinkles are associated with dryness; after all, dry, flaky skin only increases these wrinkles. Remember, sunburns can manifest themselves in retrospect as irritation, itching, and peeling - what you consider "dryness" can very well be sunburned skin.

2. Use fragrance-free beauty products.

Artificial fragrance is a common attacker for sensitive skin. And because the eye area is so sensitive, you may need to invest in gentle, hypoallergenic products, even if you think your skin isn't as sensitive overall. "Don't use anything scented or scented around your delicate eye tissue," says Downie. 

(Note: even products labeled "unperfumed" may still contain fragrances, so look for truly fragrance-free options).

3. Replenish ceramides in your skin.

People with chronically dry and sensitive skin naturally have fewer ceramides, the naturally occurring lipids in our skin cells that act as a moisture barrier. That is why you can find them in many skin care products that are marketed for dry and sensitive skin. And while it's a good thing to use ceramides topically, they only offer their benefits to the top layer of skin which is why you need to ingest them so your body can increase its natural levels too. In fact, a clinical study shows that oral ingestion of ceramides can help the skin just as well as prescription topical ceramides.

Phytoceramides (only vegetable ceramides) help to reduce dryness and wrinkles and at the same time significantly improve the moisture, elasticity and suppleness of the skin free radicals and rhodiola against oxidative stress in the body. * The result: An innovative, targeted supplement that increases the natural moisture content Your skin and makes the eye area appear plump and full of moisture.

4. Know when it is time to toss your makeup.

Remember, if a product is old and caked, there is a good reason. While you may hear of old tricks and tips for extending the shelf life of your products (like adding eye drops to your mascara), reviving these old items can do more harm than good. Ciraldo even suggests investing in new eye makeup every six months just to be on the safe side.

Dry Skin Around The Eyes Treatment.

5. Wet the area.

It may sound obvious, but it has to be repeated: Dry skin literally cries out for moisture. If you have chronically dry skin, consider applying a moisturizer or nourishing eye cream to moisturize and soothe the area. Especially at night when the skin is more permeable, as your skin loses significant moisture while you sleep - a pesky little thing known as transepidermal water loss. Locking in moisture with a reliable eye cream can combat dryness before flaking and irritation appear.

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Top 5 Proven Ways to Remove Dark Circles Naturally.


 Dark circles and bags under the eyes are a woman's worst nightmare. Not only do they make you look tired, they also add years to your face. These imperfections tend to age your appearance more than gray hair or wrinkles. Most often they are caused by sleep deprivation, long hours, or genetics. Aging and seasonal allergies also play a role.

Top 5 Proven Ways to Remove Dark Circles Naturally.

1. Apply cucumber

This vegetable has mild astringent and skin-lightening properties, as well as a calming effect. To get rid of those raccoon eyes, cut a fresh cucumber into slices and leave them in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Apply discs to the affected area for five to ten minutes. Rinse well.

Top 5 Proven Ways to Remove Dark Circles Naturally.

2. Use cold tea bags

Another easy way to correct dark circles is to apply cold tea bags to your eyes for five minutes. For best results, use chamomile or green tea. Repeat daily.

3. Sleep more

Poor sleep is a major cause of dark circles and puffy eyes. This habit makes your skin look pale, which in turn increases the appearance of darkness around the eyes. Most adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night, so try to stick to this rule. Create a bedtime, take a hot bath, and avoid heavy meals in the evening.

4. Try Argan oil

Argan oil moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes while fighting the damaging effects of oxidative stress. With regular use, it helps fade dark circles and reduce inflammation. Before going to bed, apply a pinch of argan oil under the eyes and massage in gently. Rinse off with cold water in the morning.

Top 5 Proven Ways to Remove Dark Circles Naturally.

5. Swap your makeup remover for coconut oil

Makeup removers can contain chemicals that gradually damage the skin under the eyes. Even if you choose an organic brand, it can still be too harsh on your skin. Coconut oil is a safer and healthier option. This healing ingredient supports skin repair, neutralizes free radicals and nourishes your skin. Not to mention, it removes all makeup, including waterproof mascara.


For many people, dark circles are temporary and often an indication of aging or lack of sleep. Although there are a number of home and medical treatments available to improve the look of your eyes, dark circles are usually not a cause for concern. However, if the discoloration or swelling worsens over time, schedule a visit to your doctor or dermatologist to make sure you have correctly diagnosed the problem and are receiving the best treatment.

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Top 15 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety And How To Help.


Top 15 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety And How To Help.

Whether you have two legs or four legs, fear can be a miserable experience. Unfortunately, our furry children are not immune to anxiety. Many dogs suffer from anxiety, be it only during thunderstorms or a slight permanent fear. How can you tell if your dog is scared? What can you do to help your dog if he's scared? Here are signs your dog is scared and how you can help.

Signs of anxiety in dogs

  • Aggression
  • Tucked tail
  • Peeing or pooping in the home
  • Drooling
  • Yawning
  • Panting
  • Licking their nose
  • Depression
  • Destructive behavior
  • Hiding
  • Excessive barking
  • Shaking
  • Pacing
  • Expressing anal glands
  • Repetitive behaviors
Causes of anxiety
There are a lot of different triggers for anxiety in dogs. Some of the most common are:
  • Fear
  • Age
  • Separation

Top 15 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety And How To Help.

Treating dog anxiety

To treat anxiety in your dog you need to understand what is causing it. A dog suffering from separation anxiety needs different treatment than a dog suffering from age-related cognitive decline and anxiety. You can benefit from speaking with a dog trainer or your veterinarian to discuss how best to manage your dog's anxiety.

Usually, treatment for anxiety involves behavior training and sometimes medication. Some other things that can help with anxiety include:

Follow a regular routine. Dogs live from routine. Knowing what to expect each day can help reduce a dog's anxiety. This can mean setting your alarm clock to the same time on the weekend that you get up during the week so your dog knows exactly when to expect food and discharge.

  • Try a thunder shirt. Ideal for dogs with situational anxiety, compression wraps like the Thunders Hirt can make your dog feel like they're being hugged, which can help reduce their anxiety.
  • Play calming music. Just as a little Mozart or Beethoven can help you relax, it can have the same effect on your pooch. There are even some YouTube channels that offer soothing music and videos especially for dogs.
  • Leave your scent behind when you leave. Dogs are soothed by their smell. So leaving behind a shirt or other item of clothing that you recently wore can help your dog relax when you are not around. If you're worried about your dog chewing up your favorite shirt, try the Comfort Cuddler.
Preventing anxiety
It is easier to prevent anxiety in your dog than to treat it after it has developed. Here are some ways you can help your dog develop anxiety:

  • Read your dog's body language: If you can learn to recognize the signs that your dog is feeling uncomfortable, you can remove your dog from the situation or use positive reinforcement to give your dog more comfort and a positive association.
  • Socialization: The more situations, people, and other dogs you can introduce your dog to when you first bring him home, the less likely your dog will become afraid of these things. Socialization is especially important for puppies. A lack of socialization as a puppy can lead to lifelong anxiety.
  • Obedience training: Obedience classes are not only a great opportunity for your dog to socialize, but training also helps develop a strong bond between the two of you. Your dog will learn to seek advice in situations where he is unsure of himself.
  • Diet and exercise: A physically healthy dog ​​is also more likely to be mentally healthy. Dogs that lack exercise can get bored, and that boredom can turn into fear. Likewise, poor nutrition can make your dog feel uncomfortable, which can lead to anxiety.
  • Avoiding situations that cause fear: For example, if other dogs make your dog anxious, try taking him for a walk when there are fewer dogs around and avoid areas that tend to have more dogs, such as the streets. If your dog is scared of being alone, consider hiring a pet sitter or taking your dog to a dog daycare while at work.

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The Difference Between Acne and Pimples.

The Difference Between Acne and Pimples.

The difference between acne and pimples is that acne is a disease and pimples are one of its symptoms.

Acne is a condition that affects the hair follicles and oil glands of the skin.

Under your skin, your pores are connected to glands that make an oily substance called sebum. The glands and pores are connected by a canal known as a follicle, which has a thin hair that grows out to the surface of the skin.

When sebum and dead skin cells clump together, they form a plug in the follicle. Bacteria in the plug cause inflammation that leads to red pimples in acne.

The Difference Between Acne and Pimples.

People suffering from breakouts may wonder if there is a difference between acne and pimples. It's easy to get confused when no one really has all the information and we are constantly bombarded with commercials with celebrities saying their product is the best.

In truth, there is no real difference between acne and pimples. It's all kind of semantic. Pimples are just one form of acne, the kind of thing people think of when they hear the word acne.

Acne is a much broader category. It includes not only pimples but whiteheads, blackheads, rosacea as well. Even when someone says "pimples," people usually think of a few here and there. Acne indicates that you have more than one breakout. Acne tends to mean multiple breakouts all over the skin.

It's really just semantics. Pimples are just one form of acne; There is no real difference between acne and pimples other than how you define them.

The Difference Between Acne and Pimples.

What causes acne?

Although the exact causes of acne have not been identified, it has been found that certain things can trigger or worsen acne, such as:

  • hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy and menstrual cycle
  • Squeezing or picking on existing pimples
  • Are you cleaning or scrubbing your skin too vigorously
  • Print such as from collars, hats, helmets, and backpack straps
  • high humidity

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The Right Way To Condition Your Hair.


The Right Way To Condition Your Hair.

 Hair conditioning is an important step in proper hair care. All hair types need to be conditioned to keep them shiny and flexible. Another important point about hair conditioning is that this is one of the most important steps in caring for dry hair as it helps keep dry hair hydrated. For oily hair, use conditioner only on the ends of the hair. Try to choose conditioner based on your hair type, e.g. B. If your hair type is dry, then choose a moisturizing or intense conditioner. If you are with oily hair, choose an oil-free conditioner and try using a protein-based conditioner on damaged hair. Here are some tips for proper hair conditioning:

The Right Way To Condition Your Hair.

Hair Conditioning Tips

  • After washing, gently comb the hair from the roots to the ends with your fingers or with a wide tooth comb. Remove tangles.
  • Apply a little conditioner and rub the conditioner through the hair with your fingers. Avoid rubbing your hair. - Leave it on for at least five minutes.
  • Massage the hair gently to loosen the conditioner.
  • Rinse the hair and remove all traces of conditioner.

Why should you use a hair conditioner

  • Beautiful hair grows on a beautiful scalp, and when kept clean and in normal balance, it performs its functions well. Conditioning is the process by which the hair is groomed more intensely. It helps prevent dryness.

How to use leave-in conditioner

  • As the name suggests, the leave-in conditioner is specially made not to be rinsed off. It's made up of slightly different ingredients than a typical conditioner, so it's not that heavy.
  • Usually the leave-in conditioner replaces the conditioner you would use in the shower. Most people don't have to use both, but you can if you want.
  • Manufacturers say leave-in conditioners can promote healthy hair growth by keeping the product on your hair longer and that it provides a heat barrier before blow drying.
  • Natural hair or more textured hair can benefit from the additional moisturizing leave-in conditioner.

How to use leave-in hair conditioner:

  • Gently towel dry your hair to remove excess water after you shower.
  • Apply the leave-in conditioner according to the directions on the bottle.
  • Gently comb your hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. Avoid the crown of your head.
  • Let your hair air dry or continue styling it as usual. You can also use it before bed.

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Hair Care Tips Every Man Should Know.


Hair Care Tips Every Man Should Know.

The first and foremost tip for hair care is to try to stay healthy. Hair health often reflects the overall health of the body. Therefore:

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Live stress-free.
  • Get a lot of sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do sports regularly.
Hair Care Tips Every Man Should Know.

Pat dry
  • Do not rub your hair with a towel.
  • Shake out the excess water and stroke your hair in the direction it's growing.
  • If you want to keep using a blower, use a thermal styling spray or detangle to coat the hair and protect it from damage.

Avoid hot water

Avoid hot water on your hair as hot water removes too much essential oil from the hair and scalp and leads to dryness.

Chemical treatments

  • To keep hair healthy, avoid chemical treatments like perming, straightening, and repeated dyeing.
  • Use herbal hair products to protect your hair from chemicals.

Use the right tools

  • Do not use a brush on wet hair.
  • Brush with natural bristles.
  • Choose a wide tooth comb, especially if you have curly hair.
  • Avoid irons and dryers.

Avoid tight hats and stay cut:

  • Avoid tight hats and ponytails.
  • Hair cutting is very important to prevent split ends like condition. Even if you let your hair grow out, you should have it cut every six weeks or so.

Reduce frizz

  • Low levels of moisture and protein in the hair can lead to frizz. Use a good moisturizing conditioner to minimize this problem.


  • Before using shampoo, massage your scalp gently with natural hair.

Avoid circular patterns on long hair.

  • Use your fingertips like a spider doing pushups. This is an often skipped part of hair care. It helps the scalp release natural oils from the sebum or oil producing glands.

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