In Just 2 Minutes Turn Yellow Teeth To Pearl White.


 Why do teeth turn yellow?

In Just 2 Minutes Turn Yellow Teeth To Pearl White.

As a person gets older, the white enamel wears away. When this happens, the calcified tissue will begin to show through underneath. This tissue is called dentin and is yellow in color.

  • Teeth can turn yellow for the following reasons:
  • Compounds that discolor the surface
  • Plaque formation gives a yellow tinge
  • Enamel wears off and dentin comes through

The latter cause is difficult to prevent as it is a natural part of the aging process. However, staining can be reduced by avoiding:

  • Coffee
  • Red wine
  • Beetroot
  • Blueberries
  • Smoke
  • Chewing tobacco
In Just 2 Minutes Turn Yellow Teeth To Pearl White.

Natural remedies

Here are 5 natural remedies that can help get rid of yellow teeth at home. These are an alternative to teeth whitening options that a dentist can offer:

1. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
There are several different options for teeth whitening that can be tried at home or offered by dentists.
Using a toothpaste that contains baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can help reduce the yellowing of your teeth.

It is possible to make a paste at home by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

2. Vitamin C
A 2007 study found that vitamin C deficiency can worsen periodontitis, which is a buildup of bacteria on your teeth and gums. This build-up contributes to the discoloration.
It follows that replenishing with vitamin C can reduce tooth discoloration. More research needs to be done on whether taking vitamin C can have a whitening effect on teeth.

3. Fruit enzymes
When added to toothpaste, certain fruit enzymes can fight discoloration.
A 2012 study found that toothpaste, which contains papain enzyme from papaya fruit and bromelain enzyme from pineapple, helps remove tooth stains.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
When used in small amounts, apple cider vinegar can reduce tooth discoloration and improve whiteness.
A 2014 study found that apple cider vinegar had whitening effects on teeth. However, it should be noted that this was a study on animals.

Apple cider vinegar can damage the tooth surface if used too often. More research is needed into using apple cider vinegar as a tooth whitener. In the meantime, it should be used sparingly and with caution.

5. Coconut oil pulling
A 2015 study found that oil pulling or mouth rinsing with coconut oil could be an effective way to reduce the buildup of plaque on teeth. Since plaque build-up can contribute to the yellowing, pulling coconut oil can reduce the discoloration.

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Top 10 Mistakes You're Probably Making In The Morning.


Morning can really determine how the rest of our day goes. So if you have a bad one, it doesn't look good. We're not saying you have to get up and go for a run at 5 a.m. each morning (before you eat an insanely healthy breakfast), but there are some things you probably shouldn't be doing if your goal is to improve your mood.

Here we speak to therapists and wellness experts to find out what small changes you can make for a brighter morning.

Mistake # 1: Leaving Everything there until Morning:

Top 10 Mistakes You're Probably Making In The Morning.

We often have a lot to do in the morning, from choosing clothes to packed lunches, school bags and breakfast. Many of us leave everything we have to do by morning when we can plan ahead and prepare the evening before. Morning stress can cause us to neglect ourselves, such as not taking time to eat breakfast, which can put our day on a bad footing.

Mistake # 2: Pick up the Phone First:

Top 10 Mistakes You're Probably Making In The Morning.

Most people pick up the phone straight away when they wake up in the morning. This can negatively affect a person's mood for the rest of the day as you are not allowing yourself to wake up naturally. You are also more likely to reach anxiously for your phone as soon as you wake up, because if you start the day with a long to-do list, the more likely you are to start the day overwhelmed.

Mistake # 3: Skipping Breakfast:

Top 10 Mistakes You're Probably Making In The Morning.

Breakfast not only makes you mentally fit for the day, but also physically. It stimulates your metabolism and regulates your blood sugar. By avoiding breakfast you are more prone to snacking and, most importantly, reaching for sugary snacks will give you a boost of energy, but an even faster dip, creating a viscous cycle.

Mistake # 4: Pondering:

With the experience of waking up, many people identify with worry about all the tasks and stressful things that lie ahead. “When we walk with these thought patterns, negative mood states are amplified and prolonged. All of the things we worry about fall into one of three categories: unimportant, unlikely, or uncontrollable, and as such worrying is a bit of a waste of time.

Mistake # 5: Hitting the Snooze Button:

It gets you out of your circadian rhythm and disrupts your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. If you rely on it regularly to bring in more sleep, your body's clock will be disrupted, which can actually deprive you of sleep and lack of energy.

Mistake # 6: Forcing yourself to get up at Dawn:

We've all heard of those crazy long morning routines that start at 4:30 a.m. that aren't the end goal here. James Routledge, founder of a mental health organization called Sanctus, says, "I'm not a fan of the 'five things you need to do before 5am every day'. I believe we need to be nice to ourselves and create our own morning routines that will work for us.

“Everyone is different: if you're a morning person, 7:00 am sun salutation may be a good thing. If you like to sleep in, an 8am alarm followed by Good Morning Britain might be good for you. There is no silver bullet or right or wrong, what matters is what works for you.

Mistake # 7: Reaching for Caffeine and Sugar:

Top 10 Mistakes You're Probably Making In The Morning.

For those suffering from anxiety, it's often much worse in the morning, says Phil Bridges, founder of mental health organization The Mind Map. "The stress hormone cortisol is released in response to stress, and science shows that cortisol is highest in stress patients during the first hour they wake up."

Often times, stressful people make the mistake of reaching for caffeine and sugar as a quick fix, he says. These can increase your anxiety. “Instead, try to consume nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids, which are combined with the calming of anxiety. Avocado and eggs are a good solution. "

Mistake # 8: Planning for the Work Day:

Some say that writing a to-do list, either literally or in your head, is a great way to start the day. But it doesn't work for everyone. Dannielle Haig, psychologist, says: “The most effective time to plan your day is the night before because it allows you to park your work for the day, which promotes a positive work-life balance.

“If you write your list while everything is fresh in your head at the end of the day, and then you can rest knowing that tomorrow you are ready to do whatever you need to do. It gives you a sense of control and satisfaction and makes your recovery time effective. "

Mistake # 9: Don't moisturize after Sleeping:

"You haven't had anything to drink for six to nine hours straight, you're dehydrated," says Laura Connor, a life coach. “Don't reach for your coffee first, it's a diuretic and will keep you dehydrated.

“Drink a large glass of room temperature water on an empty stomach before doing anything else! This will keep you hydrated, make you more regular, and help with detoxification. Most people are unaware that dehydration causes the stress hormone cortisol to be released, so drink before you start the day. "

Mistake # 10: Allow outside Sources to influence your Day:

Tee Twyford, coach and founder of hustle + hush, says: “One of the biggest mistakes we make in the morning is letting external sources influence our day before we have had the opportunity to listen to our own inner voice. I don't even speak of our partner, family, or roommates - as most of us pick up the phone and check our WhatsApp messages, inboxes, social media newsfeeds, and news alerts before we recognize the person next to us.

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Most women menstruate for four to seven days. A woman's period usually occurs every 28 days, but normal menstrual cycles can range from 21 days to 35 days.

Examples of menstrual cramps are:

  • Periods that are less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart
  • Missing three or more hours in a row
  • Menstrual flow that is much stronger or lighter than usual
  • Periods longer than seven days
  • Periods accompanied by pain, cramps, nausea, or vomiting
  • Bleeding or spotting that occurs between periods, after menopause, or after sex

What Are Irregular Periods?


Irregular periods are not just consistently early or consistently delayed periods. Irregular periods cover a wide variety of irregularities in your menstrual cycle. Basically, any unusual symptom that normally occurs during your period falls under the purview of irregular periods.

Irregular periods are quite common, and in certain stages of life they are even considered normal. For example, if you are a teenager and your first period starts, or if you are going through menopause in your late 40s or early 50s.

However, if you experience sudden irregularities despite having a normal cycle, it is necessary to investigate the possible causes and find a solution to your problem. However, before you start looking for a cure, you need to know whether or not your periods are actually irregular.


The 5 Very Important Giveaway Signs Of Irregular Periods

1. A fish smell:

If you notice a fishy odor emanating from your vaginal area, you can suspect that this is caused by increased bacterial growth. This means that you are likely to have a vaginal infection and should see a doctor as soon as possible, as such infections are known to cause irregularities in your menstrual cycle. In addition, they can add complications to any type of injury.

2. Very early or severely delayed periods:

As mentioned earlier, a normal menstrual cycle can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days. This is only normal if your menstrual cycle follows a certain number of days each month. For example, for most women it is a 28-day cycle and the next period does not start until 28 days after the first day of menstruation. If you suddenly break away from this pattern, irregular periods appear. So if you regularly notice your next period starting very early or very late, you may be suffering from irregular periods.

3. Increased / decreased number of days of period:

Another tell-tale sign of irregular periods is a change in the number of period days. Typically periods are between 3 and 8 days, with an average of 5 days (3). However, if your period lasts longer than a week or ends before 3 days (which it usually doesn't), you may experience irregular periods.

4. Heavy menstrual bleeding:

Finally, irregular periods are characterized by excessively heavy or more than usual bleeding. Although this cannot be quantified, as a woman you know how much menstrual bleeding is normal for you. If you notice a sudden increase in menstrual bleeding or feel the need to change your pad or tampon every hour, you are having irregular periods.

5. Stress and lifestyle factors:

Significant weight gain or loss, dieting, changes in exercise routines, travel, illness, or other disturbances in a woman's daily routine can all affect her menstrual cycle.

Other Symptoms Of Irregular Or Abnormal Periods

Aside from the above symptoms, there are other not-so-obvious signs that indicate an abnormal or irregular menstrual cycle :

  • Miss your period for three months in a row.
  • Radical mood swings.
  • Periods along with excessive pain or nausea or vomiting.
  • Spotting or bleeding between periods

Causes of irregular periods


There are many causes of irregular periods, such as:

Hormonal imbalances are the number one cause of irregular periods in most women. Hormonal diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are a prominent problem to watch out for.

Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can also mess up your menstrual cycle and lead to decreased or even absent periods.

Female athletes who participate in high-performance sports can also have irregular menstrual cycles and, in certain cases, missed periods .

If you are very stressed or depressed on a regular basis, you often have irregular periods .

Regular use of birth control pills or an IUD (intrauterine device) can also lead to irregular periods.

Irregular periods may sound extremely scary, but they can be fixed. Especially if you take action soon. So, if you notice any signs of irregular periods, contact your gynecologist right away.

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Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.


What is self care?

Self-care is not synonymous with complacency or selfishness. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you are healthy, that you are healthy, that you can get your job done, you can help and take care of others, and you can do anything you need to and want to do in one day.

Self-care is often taken for granted due to many factors. It could be because you are too busy with work, too engaged in your social activities, or just too busy taking care of the family that you started forgetting about yourself. Regardless of the reasons you are not taking care of yourself, from time to time taking care of yourself is definitely beneficial for your health, peace of mind, and general well-being. For those in need of a break, here are some ideas that can help you relax:

• Watch inspirational videos online

You may have walked the path where you went through a lot and suddenly forgot about your dreams. So now is the time to get motivated again by watching inspirational videos - there are tons of free videos online.

• Connect with your family

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

Create bonding moments with your family. This means that you can do fun and relaxing things together, such as going to the beach or just having a good meal together.

Watch a movie Alone

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

When was the last time you saw a movie by yourself? If you haven't already, experience this at least once as this is how you can enjoy your time alone. It also gives you the feeling of relaxation and complete independence.

Go out to eat Alone

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

Go on a date like you're watching a movie yourself. Eat all the foods you crave and cherish your alone time.

• Go out with your friends

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

Meeting up with your friends is a great way to relieve stress and have fun, especially if you haven't seen them in a long time.

• Practice meditation

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

One of the benefits of meditation is that it reduces stress and clears your mind of unnecessary thoughts. If you practice this on a daily basis you will see and feel a huge difference.

• Cook a hearty meal

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

When you're in a bad mood, good food is a good idea. Not only will this improve your cooking skills, but it will also leave you feeling satisfied.

Find out about your favorite vlog or blog

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

This is the best time to get some stress relief, so catch up on the latest vlogs or blogs from your idols.

• Learn something new

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

Find a new hobby or experience your love for certain activities when you were young.

• Take a walk in the park

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

If you are new to traveling and visiting something beautiful, a stroll through the park is enough.

• Go to the gym

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

Do not neglect your health; To achieve the best self care, you need to take care of your body as well.

Disconnect from social media Social

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

You may need to break up with social media if you suddenly feel down when you see others succeed. If you disconnect, you will stay sane with all the pressure. you definitely need it.

• Travel and Explore Other Places

Tips and Ideas of Self-Care Routine.

As they say, traveling is a liberating experience. It allows you to learn something new. This is a great time to rediscover not only other cultures but yourself too.

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How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?


How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Extreme heat can be dangerous and possibly even fatal. Don't get caught off guard, read our tips on how to weather heat waves this summer.

Who is More at Risk

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

The elderly, children, and people with certain health conditions are more prone to extreme heat.

Watch out for Vulnerable People

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Make sure all family members, friends, and neighbors are safe.

Stay Indoors

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Avoid being outdoors whenever possible, especially during the hottest hours of the day.

Keep your Home Cool

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Good house insulation can go a long way in preventing heat from entering the house and in maintaining a cool temperature inside.

Air Conditioning

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

If you have air conditioning, check that it is working properly. Watch out for isolation problems.


Although electric fans do not as such cool the temperature, they can aid in air circulation.

Cooling Down

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

A cool shower or bath can help lower your body temperature.

Out Of  The House

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

If you can't keep your home at a safe temperature, go to a mall, library, or other public space that has air conditioning.


How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Wear light, breathable clothing and choose loose fitting clothing.

Drink Enough

How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Make sure to drink a lot, even if you are not very thirsty. Opt for water instead of sugary drinks.


How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee as these have mild diuretic effects.


How To Survive Heat Waves This Summer?

Put reflective materials on your windows, e.g. B. Cardboard with aluminum foil. This
reflects the heat.

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Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.


The brain is a complex machine and much more powerful than any computer ever built. But although it is the master of its own actions, it is possible to train your brain enough to prevent small memory losses. Here are 10 techniques to improve your memory.

1. Train your mind

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

Training your brain is a great way to keep your memory going. Spending a few moments of the day reading, sudoku, or crossword puzzles can really help.

2. Pay attention

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

The best way to improve your memory is to just be careful. This is a way to capture information while keeping your brain and mind strong.

3. Exercise

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

Several studies show that aerobic exercise improves cognitive function and is especially good for memory.

4. Social life

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

According to fitness and nutrition expert Jen Bruno, the brain can benefit from an active social life. This way, being with people is a great way to create memories and achieve better cognitive performance.

5. Learn a new language

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

According to Live Science, learning a new language helps brain health at any age. In addition, psychologist Ellen Bialystok from York University (Toronto, Canada) mentions a study that shows that learning a second language can also prevent Alzheimer's.

6. Good night's sleep

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

Good brain function also depends on a good night's sleep. Recent research from the University of Lübeck in Germany also suggests that the brain classifies and stores new memories during sleep.

7. Contact with Nature

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

A US study found that people who walked through a forest scored 20% better results on a memory test than those who walked on the road.

8. Chocolate

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

High in flavonoids, chocolate helps keep the brain awake by improving concentration and lowering blood pressure. It is rich in fisting, a nutrient that plays an important role in memory, nerve cell function, and reducing forgetfulness.

9. Taking photos

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

A study by the Stern School of Business at New York University (USA) shows that taking photos improves our visual memory.

10. Laughter is the best medicine

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

Laughing can improve short-term memory, according to studies from Loma Linda University.

11. Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

In the long run, alcohol can lead to brain atrophy and severe memory loss. Tobacco can also lead to cognitive problems.

12. Green Tea

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

Chinese researchers have found that green tea can delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease thanks to its main ingredient - the organic molecule EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), an antioxidant that protects against age-related degenerative diseases.

13. Diet and Memory

Top 10 Hacks To Boots Your Memory.

Diet directly affects memory and concentration. An American study concluded that overeating can double the risk of memory problems later in life, according to the Daily Mail.

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Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.


Choosing a baby name for your baby can seem like a chore for most, but it gets tougher when you want to connect cultures and even languages. In 2016, 22% of children in the United States, just over 12 million children total, used a language other than English at home. That rate has increased by 2% over the past decade, by 1.2 million children. At the state level, the percentage of children who do not speak English at home varies widely, from 44% in California to 2% in West Virginia. This makes Spanish girl names very attractive to parents in the US today.

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

The majority of bilingual households in the US are Hispanic-English environments, which makes Spanish baby names an obvious place to explore for girls. We decided to take a look at the attractive Hispanic girl names that honor heritage and that are already popular with English speakers. We have discovered a variety of baby names that should appeal to a number of parents who are going from a little girl “Mijita” to “Baby” in the same session. Check out these perfect Spanish baby names for bilingual households!

1. Lolo

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Lolo is an adorable nickname that came from Caroline. Lori Susan "Lolo" Jones is an American track and field champion who helped put the spotlight on the possibility of this tiny shape.

2. Damica

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Damica is a French girl's name and means “open-minded, friendly”. This rare find is practically unheard of in the United States today, and it is not often found in France either. We think more parents should consider this remarkable option.

3. Francine

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

With the advent of Pope Francis, all forms of this ancient and sacred name came up for a new look. Mid-century Francine appears to have sprung from a Mad Men character. The name was last popular in the US in the 1980s, but we see the potential for this contiguous name to return to Frances. As with Frances, Francine means "free man".

4. Darby

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Darby is a gender neutral Irish name meaning 'free from envy'. The name was popular with both boys and girls in the United States in the 1970s, but has evolved into girls in recent years. Actor Paul Rudd has a baby daughter named Darby.

5. Isra

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Pronounced IZ-rah, Isra is one of the most attractive Thai baby names for girls because of its beautiful sound and its meaning "freedom". The name has caught on in the UK and the Netherlands in recent years, which means it could spread to America very soon. It's just so great!

6. Corliss

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Corliss is a name that is used for both boys and girls. Corliss has an English origin which means "carefree person". The name comes from a medieval nickname. Corliss was once popular in the US and made it onto the US top 1000 list in the 1940s and 1950s.

7. Moksha
Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Could other concepts from Eastern religions catch on as names, as Bodhi turns out to be one of the fastest growing names? Moksha can refer to different types of freedom and liberation, for example from ignorance and from the cycle of death and rebirth. The Sanskrit term means “liberation”.

8. Lysandra

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

This name is the feminization of the mythological name Lysander, best known to English speakers as a character in Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. Lysandra has Greek roots and means "liberator". This could be a welcome alternative to Cassandra or Alexandra.

9. Carly
Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

Carly was popularized by singer Carly Simon in the 1970s and got the name in the US Top 200. The name has lost popularity in recent years, but it's still pretty strong. Carly is a feminine form of Carl, a German form of Charles.

10. Frankie

Top 10 Perfect Spanish Baby Girl Names.

The renewed favor brought Frankie back into the top 1000 in the USA in 2015 after a 41-year hiatus! We're so glad this down to earth gem is back. Frankie shows that there are a variety of names that come from Frances. In contrast to the elegant Francesca, Frankie offers a little more pizazz.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these freeing baby names for boys that mean “free.” There are a variety of reasons to choose a name for its meaning, and whatever your motivations, we think each one of these options will serve you well. Happy baby name hunting!

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